sunnuntai 14. lokakuuta 2018

PHET for science and math

Whit PHET you can demonstrate math and science problems. Might be helpful, Not that cool loking but works.

perjantai 17. elokuuta 2018

British councils learn English pages

From you can find good stuff for kids m, teenagers and grown ups

Adjustable english exercises

How much and how long ? Choose and do exercises in

Easy english

Esolcourses have exercises for beginners

Printable English exercises has vast variety of printable exercises in various topics. Good for beginners

English exercises

englisch-hilfen contains many exercises for english

sunnuntai 18. maaliskuuta 2018


Plickers is a tool to get online formative asessment. Well short of. Worth exploring anyway


With Learningapps. org you can create simple quizzes. Wide variety.Worth cheking


Quizalize is a bit like Quizizz. Easy to use and puppils can answer with their mobile devices


QUIZIZZ is a great tool to create quizz. A bit like Kahoot but mor eindividual. And you can easily make homework with this. Very easy to use. Free. Students can use this with their mobile devices.


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